In Mission

Oak Hill’s Backpack Program

Oak Hill packs 20 bags of weekend food every week for particularly needy children who attend Sand Hill-Venable Elementary School, a school located just a few miles from Oak Hill. This program continues throughout the school year as well as the summer months.  Members from Oak Hill regularly contribute money specifically designated for the Backpack Program.

During the school year, our church delivers the bags of food by Friday of each week, and then they are placed discreetly in the child’s backpack by a school staff member to take home with them for the weekend. 

Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts-Troop 40

Boy Scouts:  Oak Hill United Methodist Church is the charter institution for Boy Scout Troop 40, providing the troop a home base as well as some funding for its activities.  The Troop meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm at Oak Hill.  Presently there are about 35 boys in the troop, and some great Boy Scout Leaders as well.  Troop 40 offers the full scouting program including:  camping, backpacking, summer camp, advancement, and leadership training.

 Cub Scouts:  Oak Hill is also the charter institution for Cub Scout Pack 40.  The Pack also meets each Thursday at 7:00 pm at Oak HILL UMC (except in the summer).  At present there are about 50 boys in the Pack, and some great Cub Scout Leaders.  Boys in first through sixth grade are welcome to join Cub Scout Pack 40. 

Asheville-Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM)

Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM) creates opportunities for churches to work in collaboration and cooperation to serve the critical needs of their neighbors. ABCCM is a coalition of area churches that responds to emergency assistance needs in Asheville and Buncombe County for those incarcerated, the homeless, families in poverty and the uninsured. 

Oak Hill United Methodist Church works closely with ABCCM to respond to the needs of people in Buncombe County.  We regularly donate money to ABCCM, and Oak Hill has a regular commitment to ABCCM’s Transformation Village (formerly Steadfast House) both in word and deed. 

Transformation Village (An ABCCM Program)

On the third Sunday of every month volunteers from Oak Hill United Methodist Church prepare, cook, and serve the evening meal for the women and children residing in the transitional housing program for homeless women, women with children, and Veterans, Transformation Village.  Transformation Village, a program primarily funded and operated by ABCCM, specifically addresses the needs of local homeless women, women with children, and Veterans.  It offers transitional housing with up to 100 beds.  Oak Hill UMC has also renovated and provided new furnishings for Steadfast House and assists with various property maintenance projects, on an as needed basis.  

Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

2018 will be Asheville’s Area Habitat for Humanity (AAHH) 35th year of operation and is one of the oldest affiliates in the entire State of North Carolina.  During that time, AAHH has built 250 homes and the Faith Communities have built 95 homes.  Oak Hill has supported the program since 1991 and provides volunteers for the construction as well as funds to help pay for materials.